Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama has all the right words!

Obama has all the right words again. If he becomes president, however, he will not be able to do it all himself. He will have to rely on those he chooses to surround himself. For me this is a very large problem as his track record is not good in this area. Just take a look at his closest advisers, his pastor and his wife. Both are unable to gloss over their anti-American, anti-White feelings. One has to wonder if Obama, himself, doesn't, deep down, feel the same way, but is just better at covering it up with flowery words.

This man is NOT what he appears to be! And I hope folks figure it out before we get to the election.

I thought I would never say this, but I would rather have Hillary as president than Obama! Thank goodness there is another choice come November. This guy is just scary. All style and NO substance! He is pure and simple a socialist at best, as shown by what little political history we have of him, and at worst, a Marxist.

The problem, as I see it, is that the general public, what I call the People Magazine culture, are incapable of seeing through his words with no meaning.

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