Monday, February 06, 2006

Cabo Whales

Just got back from a week in Cabo San Lucas Mexico; my first time in Mexico except for a memorable trip across the border to Tijuana when I was 19.

While we were there, we went whale watching. Apparently, the whales are there in the thousands around this time of year. We would see them just off the shore every evening and decided we wanted to get up close and personal.

We went on a raft (same type you would go down the Colorado River on) that had two 150cc outboard engines. This thing was FAST!. On the trip out there we were going over 50mph. For those who have not been on the water, this is fast for water travel.
The several boats out there worked together to spot the breaching whales. Our boat responded much faster than the rest and we would be right on their tails when they came up for a breath, as you can see from the pictures. You only get 30 or so seconds then they disappear for 5 or so minutes.
One thing the pictures do not give you. That is the fact that the breath that comes out of their blow-holes smells very bad. I cannot put into words the surprise we all had when this guy blows this retched smelling mist out. We were covered by the stuff one time when we were right behind the guy.
Amazing experience I recommend for anyone that goes down there this time of year. If you have the time, apparently, you can take a plane ride up the coast a couple of hundred miles and see where they give birth to their babies. Quite a site I understand because the mama's come to the surface every 45 seconds or so because their offspring can only hold their breath that long.

These same guys will be seen in the Alaskan waters in late summer. Since we will be there then, I look forward to seeing them again.

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